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These Viet Cong Were Hayseeds from the Pacific Stars and Stripes for March 29, 1968

Electronic copy of article provided by Leslie Hines

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CHU LAI, Vietnam (IO) — Where is a Viet Cong not a Viet Cong?

This question confronted 2nd Lt. Christopher Lane, of Olympia, Wash. Lane is a track commander from E Troop 1st Armored Cav., of the Americal Div.'s 11th Inf. Brigade.

Personnel carriers attached to the brigade's 3rd Bn., 1st Inf., observed what they thought were 10 enemy soldiers crouching in a field and carrying weapons.

When the tracks moved in to challenge, three men made off. The remaining "soldiers" turned out to be mannequin dummies made from straw. They were destroyed.

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