
Dale Wilson's Photos

Photos 21-24

Photograph by Dale E. Wilson

Delta Company replacements smile as the resupply bird, carrying them to the field to join their company, lifts off from the main heli-pad on Hill 4-11 on August 1, 1970.

Photograph by Dale E. Wilson

Charlie Company's 2nd and Weapons Platoon night laager where other Charlie Company replacements and I spent our first night in the field on August 1, 1970.  In the center foreground is a stack of C-rations that arrived with us.  To the right is one of the company's 81mm mortars.  Note the "Coke kids" bantering with the GIs.  The kids sold cold (sometimes) sodas for $1 a can.

Photograph by Dale E. Wilson

GIs from Charlie Company's 2nd Platoon take a break during a sweep through a ville.  I can't recall the name of the man in the foreground.  Directly behind him, peeking around his arm, is SP4 David "Captain Fly" Smith.  Next to Smith is the company's senior KCS, a former NVA lieutenant named Nhi.  In the back at right is the platoon medic, SP4 Clarence "Doc" Mitchell.  "Doc" was badly wounded during the big Nghia Hanh Valley ambush of 2nd Platoon on September 3, 1970.

Photograph by Dale E. Wilson

From left to right:  Charlie Company's 2nd Platoon forward artillery observer, senior Charlie Company KCS Nhi, and SP4 Greg "Blue" Miller.  This picture was taken in the company's rear area at LZ Bronco near Duc Pho in November, 1970.  "Blue" is still recovering from Chicom fragment wounds to his back he suffered in Nghia Hanh Valley on September 3, 1970.

