
Dean Hendrickson's Photos

Photos 1-4

Photograph by Dean Hendrickson

Dean Hendrickson.

Photograph by Dean Hendrickson

FSB Hill 4-11 during the monsoon season.  C Company was moving off the hill at sundown for another 30 day stint in the bush.  This picture is looking to the southwest where there was another small knoll within the perimeter.  If you reversed direction here, you would walk back to the east along the bunker line until you got to the mess hall, then turn north to go up the main hill to TOC, artillery, and the chopper pad.

Photograph by Dean Hendrickson

Olivia Helaire, "Helix", a rifleman from C Company, who was in country most of 1970.

Photograph by Dean Hendrickson

John Alves, "Tunnel Rat", coming out of a tunnel.

