
James "Sparky" Cronkwrite's Photos

SP4 Sparky Cronkwrite, from Elmira, NY, served as an M-113 (Armored Personnel Carrier) driver and M-60 machine gunner with Echo Troop, 1st Cavalry from June, 1969 to July, 1970.  He was on the mission with E Troop and Alpha Company, 3rd Battalion, 1st Infantry when FSB 4-11 was first started.

Photograph by Sparky Cronkwrite

This is Sparky Cronkwrite and his M-60 machine gun at the motor pool on LZ Bronco in mid-1970.

Photograph by Sparky Cronkwrite

Here is Echo Troop traveling cross-country west of Quang Ngai City towards FSB Hill 4-11 through a lot of mud.  On the way, many of the tracks got stuck. It took 4 to 5 APC's hooked together to get this one out.

Photograph by Sparky Cronkwrite

This is Echo Troop again as they head to FSB Hill 4-11.

Photograph by Sparky Cronkwrite

This is SGT "Rock" Naert's APC, with some ARVN's on board, on patrol in the Horseshoe area during January, 1970.


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