Virtual Tour

Horseshoe Area of the Song Tra Khuc River

In an area along the Song Tra Khuc River, the river forms a bend that became known as the infamous "Horseshoe" by the grunts from the 3rd Battalion, 1st Infantry.  Before the battalion established FSB Hill 4-11, this area was a stronghold of the NVA/VC.  After the establishment of FSB Hill 4-11, the battalion began to clear out the Horseshoe.  One of the first steps was to relocate the local population to Tu My ville.

Afterwards, the 3rd Battalion would send companies, periodically, to sweep the area of the NVA/VC who remained.  The Horseshoe was infested with booby traps and snipers, and became a dreaded area by all soldiers in the 3rd Battalion.

This "Virtual Tour" of the Horseshoe was provided by Phillip Tinkle who was a rifleman with C Company, 3rd Battalion, 1st Infantry from July, 1970 to July, 1971.

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Photograph by Phillip Tinkle

Phillip took this picture while holding his camera out of the side of the Huey chopper he was on and pointing it forward while in flight.  At this point, the choppers in flight were north of Hill 4-11 heading toward the Song Tra Khuc River and the "Horseshoe" area.  Notice there are two Huey choppers in the lead.  There was one additional chopper in the rear of the formation.  This picture was taken during an "eagle flight."  In other words, if something was spotted on the ground that looked suspicious, the choppers would swoop down and land, letting the grunts off to sweep the area.

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Photograph by Phillip Tinkle

This is a view from the west side of the Horseshoe as it snakes around towards the village of Ha Thanh that is further west.

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Photograph by Phillip Tinkle

Here, Phillip took a picture of the area where the choppers eventually landed to let the grunts from C Company off.  You can see his right foot dangling from the upper right.

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