
James R. Wood's Photos

Photos 1-4

1LT James R. Wood served as a platoon leader with Charlie Company, 3rd Platoon, 3rd Battalion, 1st Infantry from January 1970 to September 1970.  He was later assigned to HHC, 3rd Battalion, 1st Infantry where he spent the remainder of his tour as the Executive Officer for HHC.  James was originally from Brunswick, Maine.  He now lives in Fairbanks, Alaska where his mail is delivered by dogsled for most of the year.

Here are some photos taken by James during his tour in Vietnam:

Photograph by James R. Wood

Here are Bob Yawn, Bobby Foreman, and 1LT James R. Wood next to a 500 1b. bomb that was a dud.  The bomb was found near Highway 1 and the village of Tu Nghia.  This picture was taken just before they exploded it in place.  Notice the fuse cord being held by Bob Yawn.

Photograph by James R. Wood

The card game of "Spades" was the most favorite pastime of GIs anywhere in Vietnam, especially for the grunts.  If a rest break was longer than fifteen minutes, then there was enough time to play a game of "Spades," as shown here by Perry, Love, Foreman, Pyritz, Riley, and Nhe, the Kit Carson Scout (KCS).

Photograph by James R. Wood

Here is a shot of FSB Hill 4-11 taken from a chopper on the southwest side of FSB Hill 4-11.  The west gate to FSB Hill 4-11 is on the left.  The view to the northeast shows a long stretch of the Song Tra Khuc River as it makes its way to the Quang Ngai City area.

Photograph by James R. Wood

During a patrol, the 3rd Platoon detained an old farmer or "papa san" so Nhe, the KCS, could interrogate him before he was released.

