
James R. Wood's Photos

Photos 5-8

Photograph by James R. Wood

While on a patrol, the 3rd Platoon also found an RPG-7, rocket propelled grenade launcher, that was fully loaded and ready to go.  Fortunately, it had been hit by a bullet and was not operational.  Mike Dore and Bobby Foreman are shown here inspecting the weapon, which was a favorite of the NVA/VC.

Photograph by James R. Wood

Here is an AK-47 that was captured on a patrol also.  LT Tyra, Steve, LT Steve Baron, and John Alves pose with 1LT James R. Wood for this shot.  LT Tyra was the artillery forward observer from D Battery and was attached to Charlie Company.

Photograph by James R. Wood

After searching an area where a suspected POW camp was suppose to be located, the 3rd Platoon waits for a Chinook helicopter to transport them back to FSB Hill 4-11.

Photograph by James R. Wood

Here is a picture of the 3rd Herd (platoon) taken during March 1970.  First row from left to right:  Tounton, Berrett, James R. Wood, Ussery, SGT Kurz, Jugo, Nhe, Perry, and SSG Nigro.  Second row from left to right:  Leeway, Yawn, Red, Williams, Doc, McDuffy, and Dal Hermer.  Third row from left to right:  Love, Speedy, Raymond, Okula, Fernandez, and Teaque.

