
Henry Vasil's Photos

FSB Hill 4-11 and Rear Area (Photos 1-4)

Photograph by Henry Vasil

This picture was taken from the eastside of FSB 4-11.  As you can see, very little construction is visible, with hardly any bunker positions.

Photograph by Henry Vasil

This picture was taken from the westside of FSB 4-11, with Pepper Ridge in the right background.  An APC is either going down or coming up the road that eventually led to the west gate.

Photograph by Henry Vasil

This picture of Hank was also taken from the westside of FSB 4-11, with the mountains and Pepper Ridge in the background.  Hank is standing in front of the Glory Stomper, an APC.

Photograph by Henry Vasil

Here is Hank on the back of the APC, Glory Stomper.  Notice the daytime shaded position on the right.


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